Claim NFT

Here we will provide you with the steps to claim your very own Magpie Mafia NFT.

On the main Magpie dApp page, you'll see a 'Claim NFT' button in the upper right hand corner after your wallet is connected. Click on this button and it will take you to our Magpie Mafia page on Tide Protocol.

Once your on the Tide Protocol page for "The Magpie Mafia", click on the 'Connect Wallet' button.

Your wallet will pop up to connect to the webpage and be sure to select the wallet you plan on using with the Magpie dApp, as this is the address your experience points will be tied to.

Once you're connected, you'll need to click on the 'Sign In' button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

This will prompt another pop-up for your wallet, and you'll need to Sign this gasless transactions so that Tide Protocol can reward your wallet with the NFT once tasks are completed.

Once you've signed the transaction, you will need to follow the required tasks in order to be awarded with your Magpie Mafia NFT.

These tasks are to connect your "Twitter/X" account to Tide Protocol and Follow the Official Magpie Twitter/X account and to use the Magpie dApp to conduct an on-chain swap of any size on the Polygon PoS network.

Once these two tasks are complete, you'll be able to click on the 'Claim Badge' icon to claim your very own Magpie Mafia NFT.

Last updated